
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dwelling in Possibility

Emily Dickinson wrote, "I dwell in possibility." I have been reflecting upon this statement recently. For most of my life I've been fearful of dwelling in possibility because I wondered if it was "irresponsible" or "unrealistic." However, in the past few weeks I had a mini "a-ha" about this notion of possible and impossible. Here's what I realized: who gets the right to say what is possible and impossible? I've let others determine what is possible and impossible for me & why? Hmmm...? Upon reading & researching great inventors, thinkers, artists, sages and leaders I learned that they were all told what they were doing was "impossible". And you know what? At some point they just kept moving ahead & relied on an inner compass that guided them. That internal compass became louder & clearer & the external voices that kept telling them why what they're doing was "impossible" became softer and softer.

And I thought about all the things I deem "impossible" & what I've noticed is that what I consider impossible I make impossible. I want to dwell in possibility! Not everything I conceive will come to fruition and for that I am learning detachment in outcome. But, what I also know is that the only way I come closer to realizing many of my ideas is through focusing on how possible they are. 

So, I begin a new chapter in my life & choose to be like Emily Dickinson. I, too, dwell in possibility & I can't wait to see what happens as a result! 


  1. I always think of that story of the 95 year old woman on her porch reflecting on her life. What is it that you would regret not doing or trying? YOU, Lora, will not feel the disappointment of regret. You are dwelling on what is possible, and trying what feels impossible. You should be satisfied in yourself.
