
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Giving Thanks

So my friend Kathleen was great enough to offer me up an idea this morning! This is actually a great topic as I like most folks around me are discouraged about the state of our economy. It seems people are scared and worried about what has happened, what is happening, or what might happen in the future. I too wonder and have had dizzying thoughts about jobs, money and security.

I have been doing lots of reading by various yogis, mystics, and just plain wise women and men. Here’s what seems true to me: that what you focus on actually does increase (I’ve done my own intentional & unintentional experiments with this) & that in this moment I am well. I am sitting in a warm place and have a lovely cup of coffee next to me, have enough to eat for breakfast, and will head off to work within the hour. I read in a book by Jack Kornfield that as part of his practice he said thank you throughout the day, many times he verbalized this out loud and other times it was a silent “thank you.”

I think about that a lot as I start yet another day & do I succumb to fears and worries? I’ve been practicing lately to give my attention and energy to what I do have because I can’t control the economy, can’t control the job market, and can’t control the government and politicians. I can be where I am in this moment and simply say, “thank you.”

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